Summer Programs 2020

March 2020
Categories: Uncategorized

We’re happy to announce our summer programs this April and May as follows. We had a successful set of sessions last summer and have had parents and students ask for sessions this summer as well.

All sessions are 10 am to 1 pm.

April 20th – 24th (M-F): Study Skills at GoNative Sadashivnagar

April 27th – May 1 (M-F): Debating at GoNative Sadashivnagar

May 4th – 8th (M-F): Study Skills at MyBoTree, Koramangala

May 11th – 13th (3 days): Parliamentary Debating at MyBoTree, Koramangala

May 18th – 22nd (M-F): Debating at MyBoTree, Koramangala

Cost: Rs. 5,000 per week for the full week programs and Rs. 3,000 for 3 day programs



Study Skills

Days 1 – 2 • Study Skills and Visual Note Taking/Making

Internationally proven study skills methods along with hands-on practice

Taking/making notes visually to enhance learning

Days 3 – 4 • Creative and Informational writing

Day 5 • A Study System

Participants are taught to prioritise, organize material and set up a system to study, helped by planners for time management

Our methods are hands-on and using textbooks that students bring, activities and games to keep it fun and interesting.  We believe that children do when they are explicitly taught how to and this belief has been supported by evidence in our work, both in and out of the school system in India.


Day 1 • Introduction to Debating and Non-verbal communication

Day 2 • Setting up a strong argument and identifying fallacies

Day 3 • Develop research skills: Credible sources,

               understanding bias and identifying fake news

Day 4 • Rebuttal

Day 5 • The art of Feedback; Practice activities and final debate

Our debating program is life-skill based and aimed at helping every child progress in their communication and real-life negotiations.  Participants will learn hands-on as well as through focused activities.

We work with children confident with public speaking as well as scaffold students who then get confident debating in public.  Debating is much more than public speaking; it requires research, thinking on one’s feet and using time appropriately to make strong, evidence-back arguments as a team.

Parliamentary Debating

This is the British Parliamentary Debating system that will be taught in a short workshop.  Students will learn to develop a strong argument and use them in two debates.  Topics will range from those of personal interest to younger participants to current affairs and world issues for older participants.

Interested parents may please register at this form.  We will get back to you within 2 days after registration.

2 thoughts on “Summer Programs 2020
  1. Hi

    How do we access this link as it is password protected? Wasnt quite sure which password they meant? Could you please guide me.

    Thanks, Shibani

    On Wed, 11 Mar 2020, 15:16 The Teachers Collective, wrote:


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